Amber Misaki Extra
Amber Misaki Extra's Channel
Amber Misaki Extra has no videos available.
Amber Misaki Extra
Backup channel reserved for shitposting and short comedy skits with Zodiac Signs!

My main channel name is Amber Misaki

Upload schedule: I usually upload here 2 days later after I upload on my main channel, with some exceptions so make sure you subscribe and ring the bell to get notified

Genders of my zodiacs
Aries (Male)
Taurus (Male)
Gemini (Male)
Cancer (Female)
Leo (Male)
Virgo (Female)
Libra (Male)
Scorpio (Male)
Sagittarius (Female)
Capricorn (Female)
Aquarius (Female)
Pisces (Female)

Keep in mind those characters are not meant to represent you as a person, they are just my OCs based on constellations!

Friends (1)
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