Kitai v SHOPe
Kitai v SHOPe's Channel
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Kitai v SHOPe
The channel “Kitai v SHOPe" is dedicated to reviewing goods from China. On this channel you will find reviews on various products from funny knickknacks to useful and expensive devices. There are lots of videos about Chinese car accessories, such as dashboard cameras, radar detection devices, lighting equipment, and also about lifehacks and simply helpful stuff. On the channel, I solder a lot and collect KIT DIY sets of various electronics, which will be interesting for novice radio amateurs. I also review smartphones, pads and surveillance cameras, tests of batteries and chargers for them, 3D printing, hold contests and make videos about making money online guiding my viewers step by step.

I believe everyone can find here anything they like.

Subscribe the channel and don’t miss new interesting videos!!!
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