WTF Game Tracks | SarahKreuz
WTF Game Tracks | SarahKreuz's Channel
WTF Game Tracks | SarahKreuz has no videos available.
WTF Game Tracks | SarahKreuz
WTF Game Tracks | SarahKreuz
This is the Channel of WTF GAME TRACKS - a place for Retro Gamers

This channel is a Non-Profit-Project and will always be free from any advertising/Monetization by me

Hello :)
My Name's Sarah and I'm a YouTuber since 2008. Due to some copyright-problems my old channel became deleted. Since this was my (and not YouTube's) fault I'm fine with it - and I came back in 2010. I love all these classic Games, but I'm tired of watching the 60th Videoupload of "Turrican", the 145th of any "Mario" Game or well-known classics on the C64 (The Last Ninja, Giana Sisters). They already DO exist on YouTube, so I decided to create only exclusive footage for this Channel. Video footage of Games that haven`t been released yet on YouTube, for example.

Thanks for all your kind words and support! Especially to all who gave me the permission to use their great Music. Since the beginning I try to keep this Channel international, language-wise, but beware my Yoda-style english. Read you will what I mean. :)
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