ZodiacGalaxy's Channel
ZodiacGalaxy has no videos available.
Why hello everybody! New viewers, old and returning viewers, or people just stopping by! I am ZodiacGalaxy!
I post all sorts of different content on my channel from pokemon, fortnite, fortnite creative, town of salem, or bloons tower defense! I always want to create new things and just be me! I hope to create a fun and inviting area for everybody, that way if somebody is having a bad day i can hopefully make it better,
I Have been wanting to be a youtuber since i was 5 years old so to be able to finally do it is amazing!
I do not support racism, homophobia, or sexism so please do not spread it in my comments or on my posts, I will be creating more variety content soon so look forward to that!
I am pretty sure that is all so have an amazing day everybody, make sure to remember that you are worth it, you deserve every dream you have wanted (except for death if you have wanted that) and i hope i made your day just a little bit better if anything at all,
Alright cya later everybody!

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