jess viton
My name is Jessica turned vampire by Bill in True Blood,
love human blood,
I hate that synthetic red juice drink that awful, but if you do not drink, val
kills me even if I do not die laughing!!
- இ ڿڰ இ Jessڰ - இ ڿڰ இ Jessڰ - இ ڿڰ இ Jessڰ - இ ڿڰ இ Jessڰ - இ ڿڰ இ Jessڰ - இ ڿڰ இ Jessڰ - இ ڿڰ
love human blood,
I hate that synthetic red juice drink that awful, but if you do not drink, val
kills me even if I do not die laughing!!
- இ ڿڰ இ Jessڰ - இ ڿڰ இ Jessڰ - இ ڿڰ இ Jessڰ - இ ڿڰ இ Jessڰ - இ ڿڰ இ Jessڰ - இ ڿڰ இ Jessڰ - இ ڿڰ
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