Jimmyhogs's Channel
Jimmyhogs has no videos available.
Welcome to the Jimmyhogs channel, here you will see a very selfless introverted male adult content creator aspiring to entertain others regardless of how circumstances are since April 15th 2017. The username was originally a typo, but it will always be here to stay, as it still holds the same sentimental value while still rolling off the tongue easily. No matter how many subscribers this channel grows, the content will most likely not be changed up when a goal gets hit, as the belief here is to make the content as best as it possibly can be now no matter what. Most breaks that occur within this channel is to either prevent being burn out or to focus more on a more important project. You will most likely see effect videos out of Preview 2's that were recreated before it was used here on this channel. The uploading schedule here is one effect video a day, sometimes a preview 2 here and there.

Thanks for reading and make sure to take care of yourselves!
Have a great day! :D


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