Hiii, I make animated music videos and videos where I basically mess around and tinker with animation.
Spread positivity, not hate. Never bully others because you think it is "cool" or "funny". Not everything is a "joke", if you say something mean, calling it a "joke" is a weak excuse. Never say something you wouldn't say to someone's face. You are not better than everyone, we are all humans and we all have unique talents and abilities. Don't get caught up in yourself. Stay humble, stay true. Hating doesn't make you look cool. We are all human, let's treat each other like humans. Keep an open mind. Don't be so judgemental, just have fun in life. You only have one life to live, this one. It is short too. Enjoy it. Don't waste it making other people's miserable. That doesn't make you cool, it will just make you more miserable in the long run.
Spread positivity, not hate. Never bully others because you think it is "cool" or "funny". Not everything is a "joke", if you say something mean, calling it a "joke" is a weak excuse. Never say something you wouldn't say to someone's face. You are not better than everyone, we are all humans and we all have unique talents and abilities. Don't get caught up in yourself. Stay humble, stay true. Hating doesn't make you look cool. We are all human, let's treat each other like humans. Keep an open mind. Don't be so judgemental, just have fun in life. You only have one life to live, this one. It is short too. Enjoy it. Don't waste it making other people's miserable. That doesn't make you cool, it will just make you more miserable in the long run.
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