BasementLet'sPlay is the Let's Play channel of The Basement.
We're a duo of dads from Minnesota. There's no swearing and we avoid games with adult imagery and themes unless they are suitably subtle. Peter and Ted play Nintendo games and provide entertaining banter in the process. BasementLet'sPlay is a subsidiary of The Basement - the friendliest place on YouTube! We post videos multiple every week. General "let's play" activity of The Basement is posted here on our Let's Play channel.
BasementLet'sPlay usually operates out of Peter's actual basement, and sometimes Ted's house. Peter's basement contains the following: a Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), a Super Nintendo (SNES), a Nintendo 64 (N64), a Gamecube (NGC), a Wii, a Wii U, an NES Classic, and SNES Classic, and a Nintendo Switch. We record through two separate Elgato capture devices into a Windows based PC.
We're a duo of dads from Minnesota. There's no swearing and we avoid games with adult imagery and themes unless they are suitably subtle. Peter and Ted play Nintendo games and provide entertaining banter in the process. BasementLet'sPlay is a subsidiary of The Basement - the friendliest place on YouTube! We post videos multiple every week. General "let's play" activity of The Basement is posted here on our Let's Play channel.
BasementLet'sPlay usually operates out of Peter's actual basement, and sometimes Ted's house. Peter's basement contains the following: a Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), a Super Nintendo (SNES), a Nintendo 64 (N64), a Gamecube (NGC), a Wii, a Wii U, an NES Classic, and SNES Classic, and a Nintendo Switch. We record through two separate Elgato capture devices into a Windows based PC.
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