xSilentSunday [closed, not on here anymore!]
no longer on here!
this channel is sort of an archive for a small queer human being named vic who's really into editing, especially with anime and kpop. this is what i've done since january 29., 2014. - january 22., 2016. i chose to not delete this channel mostly because i still have a lot of memories regarding it, both good and bad. i'd just like to look back at it one day and feel all warm and nostalgic inside.
- vic on january 22nd, 2016.
this channel is sort of an archive for a small queer human being named vic who's really into editing, especially with anime and kpop. this is what i've done since january 29., 2014. - january 22., 2016. i chose to not delete this channel mostly because i still have a lot of memories regarding it, both good and bad. i'd just like to look back at it one day and feel all warm and nostalgic inside.
- vic on january 22nd, 2016.
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