lovth's Channel
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Hello , we are ExtremeK9Training , we offer a wide range of dog equipment and training services.
on our channel you will see our own dogs doing work with their handlers.
We really hope you enjoy our content and subscribe for more , read below for more about us.

Training purposes :
We do not allow boot camps etc ( taking your dog and training it for you ) we believe it does not give the dog the same concept of you been the handler and can not only confuse the dog but not build a bond that we can support you in having. We do obedience work from beginner to extreme. we do confidence building with the dogs and also we will do protection work , scent work and more.
We do socialization classes too.

Dog equipment:

We sell top quality dog equipment for a good price that you will save a fortune on! compare our prices with others , we also will give guidelines on certain things example bite pads etc if necessary. thank you and enjoy your day.
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