Paul Bradford Songs
Paul Bradford Songs's Channel
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Paul Bradford Songs
Thank you very much for being here.
Many of my songs are Available on iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon, and more.

I concentrate on original recorded music. I sometimes cover songs I really like.
I was also part of a duo called Bradford and Lasso, or, Paul Bradford and Rick Lasso. You can hear those songs here too.
Or, on the Bradford and Lasso Youtube channel.
Rick Lasso and I also recorded a CD under the name "The Lava Lamp Love Lords" called "Mouthful of Purgatory".
I recorded music under the name "Psycho-speak Empire" and P.M. Krupocin. This music was and is more avant-garde.
You can hear some of these on Soundcloud, and on the Youtube Bat Toast channel.
Psycho-speak Empire is a state of mind. So join me.

"You're totally free, until you're caught" - Paul Bradford -

All original songs are protected under copyright laws.

Thanks for being here,
Paul Bradford

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