Mijovo_Games ΰ½Žπ€ππ”π‚ΰ½“ VWOT
Mijovo_Games ΰ½Žπ€ππ”π‚ΰ½“ VWOT's Channel
Mijovo_Games ΰ½Žπ€ππ”π‚ΰ½“ VWOT has no videos available.
Mijovo_Games ΰ½Žπ€ππ”π‚ΰ½“ VWOT
Mijovo_Games ΰ½Žπ€ππ”π‚ΰ½“ VWOT
This is Mijovo_Games 4th Channel. Be sure to Subscribe!

ABUC = Allied Benevolent Universal Coalition
VWOT = Viewers war organization team

aLeRt!!! aLl InAcTiVe AcCoUnT wIlL bE dElEtEd In DeCeMbEr 1sT fOlLoWiNg ThIs YeAr. PlEaSe PuT tHiS iN yOuR dEsCrIpTiOn BeFoRe ItS tOo lAtE!

wElCoMe tO mY 777 ChAnNeL! mIlEsToNeS :
100 sUbS βœ…
200 sUbS βœ…
300 sUbS βœ…
500 sUbS βœ…
1000 sUbS ❌
2000 sUbS ❌
5000 sUbS ❌
10000 sUbS ❌
20000 sUbS ❌
50000 sUbS ❌
100000 sUbS (SiLvEr pLaY bUtToN!) ❌
200000 sUbS ❌
500000 sUbS ❌
1000000 sUbS (GoLdEn pLaY bUtToN!) ❌
5000000 sUbS ❌
10000000 sUbS (DiAmOnD pLaY bUtToN!) ❌
20000000 sUbs ❌
50000000 sUbS (rUbY pLaY bUtToN!) ❌
100000000 sUbS (nEw pLaY bUtToN!) ❌
200000000 sUbS ❌
500000000 sUbS ❌
1000000000 sUbs (aNtImAtTeR pLaY bUtToN!) ❌

sAy β€œFaKe PoLiSh If nO-lIfEr”
sAy β€œFaKe SwEdIsH iF nO-lIfEr”
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