Twinnin' Records
Twinnin' Records's Channel
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Twinnin' Records
Welcome to Twinnin' Records.Twinnin' Records is a carefully curated musical hub aimed to help listeners discover the newest and most addictive songs from around the globe. We strive to find the best and most enjoyable music for you guys.
I hope you have a good time here :)

"What is Twinnin' Records?"
Twinnin' Records is a group of 2 people featuring music.

"Can I use this in my video?"
Unfortunately I don't own any of the rights for the music I feature on Twinnin' records, so you'd have to ask the artist.

"Is this copyright free?"
Again, it's not up to us. We usually receive written permission for every upload, but it doesn't apply universally when someone else wants to use the song. Have a look in our copyright-free playlist and see if the song you want to use is in there.

"Do you make the music?"
No, we only feature music we like.

For submissions of your music and art:
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