Assassin's Ofzelda
Assassin's Ofzelda's Channel
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Assassin's Ofzelda
Hello everyone !
I'm Assassin's Ofzelda, a multi-gender youtuber. what you will see on my channel:
-vlog (the kind of videos that come up the most)
-video duo
-short-film (good on the other hand sorry, I have a VERY BAD acting game. Here it is, like that, you will not be surprised; -;)
-gaming (mainly on switch, mobile and ps3)
I was doing Gacha Life but I quit.
I warn: I tell a lot about my life in my videos. So if you don't care, don't bother looking.
Another thing: I am Autistic asperger, has ADD (Attention Disorders) and quite shy. Consequently, it is not uncommon for me to express myself badly, to be dissipated or to misunderstand certain things.
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