Michael Lawrence
Mykoman - Seasonal Vocalist / Songwriter / Drummer / Producer
Click for a free download of "Caught My Eye":
"Music is to be enjoyed and serve us with what we need from the moment"...whether it is a simple melody or a driving message in a song, MykoMan makes it come to life with his own style. Simply put, he's different and his easy going approach to life makes him enjoyable to be around. We're confident you will appreciate the experience and expression of MykoMan.
Stayin' true to the song and livin' the dream!
Click for a free download of "Caught My Eye":
"Music is to be enjoyed and serve us with what we need from the moment"...whether it is a simple melody or a driving message in a song, MykoMan makes it come to life with his own style. Simply put, he's different and his easy going approach to life makes him enjoyable to be around. We're confident you will appreciate the experience and expression of MykoMan.
Stayin' true to the song and livin' the dream!
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