Jacob K
Jacob K's Channel
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Jacob K
Some of the most random content you'll ever see. I started out uploading archival footage of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, but over time, other YouTubers were able to do that in better quality. Eventually, I blew the cobwebs off this channel to showcase my collection of exotic and classic guitars...not necessarily my playing and singing skills (however, more power to you if you enjoy them). I tend to collaborate with other YouTubers from time to time as well to try and shake things up a bit.

Originally, when I went on breaks from filming song covers, I did stopgap videos of me fulfilling a childhood dream and narrating older episodes of Thomas & Friends using dubbing tracks, but Mr. Mattel, Thomas' owner for the last 10 years, decided to block my FAN REDUB videos worldwide. Thanks, Mattel.

Please consider subscribing if you haven't already and hope you enjoy the videos!

Thanks for viewing.

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