Welcome! The bulk of the content on the channel here is Fallout 4-build-related--tips, tricks, tutorials, methods, techniques, tours, vanilla builds, modded builds, vanilla gameplay, modded gameplay, and anything else that strikes my fancy. There's lots and lots of good info (and links to related channels) all through the archives. As of June 2021 I've moved away from FO4, however.
I stream on Sundays starting at noon US Central time (UTC -5) as well as on Tuesday evenings starting around 7:00 p.m. US Central (UTC -5). The streams normally run about three hours, and will be centered on whatever game's got my attention at the time--in addition to "regular gameplay" I'll try to share things I've learned along the way... I approach games slightly differently than most, and tend to have a more thorough, analytical approach to gameplay strategies.
Thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoy the show!
I stream on Sundays starting at noon US Central time (UTC -5) as well as on Tuesday evenings starting around 7:00 p.m. US Central (UTC -5). The streams normally run about three hours, and will be centered on whatever game's got my attention at the time--in addition to "regular gameplay" I'll try to share things I've learned along the way... I approach games slightly differently than most, and tend to have a more thorough, analytical approach to gameplay strategies.
Thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoy the show!
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