Game Fanatics
Game Fanatics's Channel
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Game Fanatics
You love video games, right? So do we! And sure, you may no longer have the time to play every single AAA heavy hitter that drops, and browsing through your Steam library of unplayed games is like sifting through a steamy pile of shame - but your passion and love for video games has never wavered.

We hear you! The Game Fanatics are a diverse group of content creators, producing high quality, independent video game content for gamers with busy lives. We started making content in college when we had all the time in the world! And as we grew up, got real jobs, married, and had kids, our priorities shifted and so did the way we cover video games.

On our YouTube channel, we celebrate video games and the awesome people who make them. You’ll find video game reviews, interviews with developers, thoughts and opinions we like to call Fanatical Takes, quick gaming lists we call Fanatical Five’s, and just about everything geek culture.

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