Reaper Entertainment
Reaper Entertainment's Channel
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Reaper Entertainment
Reaper Entertainment
REAPER ENTERTAINMENT is a rising German Metal label established in 2017.
Knowing and working in the business for more than 10 years the main focus is lying on "quality before quantity", something that over the years has been decreasing in the business!
Focussing on what is important - the passion and love for music - REAPER ENTERTAINMENT is embarking on its journey...

Bands that have joined the REAPER family so far:

- Tankard (DE)
- Memoriam (UK)
- Metal Church (US)
- Elvenking (IT)
- Warmen (FI)
- April Art (DE)
- Robse (DE)
- Horizon Ignited (FI)
- Parasite Inc. (DE)
- Milking the Goatmachine (DE)
- Silver Bullet (FI)
- Gladenfold (FI)
- Suotana (FI)
- SkyEye (SVN)
- Necrotted (DE)
- Voodoo Kiss (DE)
and many more...

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