Tusen Hallelujahs
Tusen Hallelujahs's Channel
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Tusen Hallelujahs
Tusen Takk! Tusen Hallelujahs handler om synger en ny sang å prise og ære Herren. Du eller noen du kjenner trenger hap, tro, og/eller oppmuntring. Sannheten er at jeg er ikke fra Norge fordi jeg er Amerikaner. Det er derfor jeg tok “Tusen” og den Engelsk form av “Hallelujahs” i stedet for “Hallelujaer.” Jeg ber at disse sanene vil velsigne deg. Sammen la oss gi Gud tusen hallelujaer og så mye mer, amen!
ENGLISH: A thousand thanks! Tusen Hallelujahs is about singing a new song to praise and honor the Lord. You or someone you know needs hope, faith, and/or encouragement. The truth is that I am not from Norway because I am American. This is why I took Tusen, which means ‘a thousand’ in Norwegian and the English plural form of Hallelujah instead of the Norwegian word- “hallelujaer.” I pray that these songs will bless you. Together, let us give God a thousand Hallelujahs and so much more.
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