Sohma Satori
Sohma Satori's Channel
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Sohma Satori
Henloooo! I'm a confoosed cat / dog person!
I'm actually not sure what I am, or where I came from, but I'm happy to have met you!

Lets get some noms and baked goods! Those are my favorite! :3


💖 Favorite Games:
RPG, 2D Platformers, Decoration Based (like Animal Crossing), Anything Cute, Adventure like (Skyrim), Puzzle Solvers and more! OwO Im also very open to new kinds of games if you beans have any suggestions! Fire away! ✨

💔 Me No Likie Games:
Horror (unless its October!), FPS, Anything in First Person (I get nauseous! @u@) aaaaand extremely difficult games! (with some exceptions like the dark souls series!)

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