Night Mistress
Night Mistress's Channel
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Night Mistress
NIGHT MISTRESS - heavy/power metal band formed in Skarzysko-Kamienna, Poland, in 2003.
In 2005, the group recorded their first demo (Dlon z Podziemi). The demo got very positive feedback from metal fans and media in Poland, which encouraged the band to work on new compositions. In the following year Night Mistress recorded their EP called In the Land of the Freezing Sun. In November 2010, the group recorded their first LP, The Back of Beyond. Before the end of the recording session, in September 2010, a Hollywood based record label 272 Records released a compilation Kill City vol. 26 which included Night Mistress’s song, Children of Fire. The Back of Beyond was released in North America via California based Hell Rider Records. In July 2012, Night Mistress recorded a song, Hand of God and made a music video for this track which announced the band’s incoming album. In June 2014, a German label, Power Prog released the band’s second album, Into the Madness.
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