INFORMATION: (Read if you Want)
Hello world! After 3 years of active use of YouTube and more than 1,5 year of absence, I am finally back! Yes I am.
In this channel, you will find my currently active accounts and the explanation of my absence...
In my box, you will find my music channel, my history - politics channel, my movie channel, and my currently main channel.
Quite a lot of channels don't you think? Well with some program you can have them all active.
So why I was gone? I left because of personal reasons and you don't need to know them. I am not back for social things, I am back only for my videos. These were the only things that remain. Cause I found out that actually nobody remembers me and nobody missed me.
YouTube was a great place and it was nice as long as it lasted this way. But some things better stay a past.
You can contact me to main channel (top in box) and enjoy my productions if you want there. Good day to everyone!
INFORMATION: (Read if you Want)
Hello world! After 3 years of active use of YouTube and more than 1,5 year of absence, I am finally back! Yes I am.
In this channel, you will find my currently active accounts and the explanation of my absence...
In my box, you will find my music channel, my history - politics channel, my movie channel, and my currently main channel.
Quite a lot of channels don't you think? Well with some program you can have them all active.
So why I was gone? I left because of personal reasons and you don't need to know them. I am not back for social things, I am back only for my videos. These were the only things that remain. Cause I found out that actually nobody remembers me and nobody missed me.
YouTube was a great place and it was nice as long as it lasted this way. But some things better stay a past.
You can contact me to main channel (top in box) and enjoy my productions if you want there. Good day to everyone!
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