Heatherstay's Channel
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Roger is Heatherstay, songwriter and latter-day artist. After borrowing his brother’s acoustic guitar, he taught himself to play and was the sole guitarist in a band at Leeds Modern School in 1965 when he was just twelve years old. Roger wrote his first song The Merry Boys in his early twenties and continued to write and play songs for girlfriends when he was a student. For several years his interest shifted to playing classical guitar and church music until he learned the whistle and began performing as a busker and singing his songs around the folk circuit on the Moray Coast in the Northeast of Scotland. After inviting various friends to perform with him at local festivals and other events as Heatherstay, Roger began releasing his songs in 2022. In 2024, he was honoured to be one of twenty little known guitarists in the UK, invited to attend photoshoots with world famous photographer Aaron Parsons, as part of the UK guitar retailer GuitarGuitar’s twentieth anniversary celebrations.

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