MintLizard89's Channel
MintLizard89 has no videos available.
A third channel called MintLizard89 was here or known as Newest MCA. but suddenly every channel is moved & gone on this man. The main character called "Osan" who made an animation began on 6 April 2019, He discovered a new community in the office. He created his first PLP creation ever in 2019, then he played some random nostalgic games in his laptop during home, office, & such a random interesting whatever he wanted.

The behind of the creator is called "Fauzan" he's the creator of the main character, artist, animator, similar to himself. But sadly his password is gone & I forgot my very first account in 2018. After that, I used my mom account instead, & my dad's account is locked & changed to a birthday, later in late 2020... my second account is locked & changed again in previous past. 2024... I moved my old phone to the new phone. This is such an interesting place for new activities!

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