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I have left here to go find myself...If I return before I get back,
Hold me down until I get here...Did you know that humans are just about the only inhabitants on this world that weren't designed into the self-sustaining architecture of earth's existence? I believe that elements of this earth go extinct when that element no longer serves to benefit the survival of earth or that an element of this world's survival has been compromised by mankind's own negligent behavior. Either way you look at it, the world and nature will always co-exist ,overcome adverse opposition. And let's face it, We are as a human race, undoubtedly have been allowed to do as we please and it looks like our world is catching up. This world will physically get rid of our sorry asses by it self. Even if we don't manage to get rid of each other as a race. The Global Elite are counting on us to bring about our own destruction. Instead of turning on each other we all as the human race must turn against them to ensure our survival.They will keep pushing their tyranny as far as we let them. Again we have to filter out the Oligarchy that has plundered our great nation by design. I was born in 1966 the same day Barrak Obama was born in 1961. My birth certificate has an official state seal, Obama's receipt of live birth does not. I was dropped here on August the 4th. The very next day ground was broke and dedicated by the port authority for the future construction site of the Twin Towers and World Trade Center. On land donated to the City of New York by the Rockafellers. Two monoliths would rise to the occasion to one day be destroyed through lies and deception. In 1984 I graduated high school and two months after that I turned 18. Soon after September 11 of 2001 I switched on my third eye and was drastically changed. This World at times can be as like a Ball and Chain. The American People deserve a better class of Criminal Element in Washington D.C. to deceive and enslave us. A crafty crude brood of inept and greedy ingrates are running the show at the moment. Many a diabolical plan was hatched down deep with in the ancient woods of the Bohemian Grove. The "Manhattan Project" being one. Something has gone tragically wrong in between the days Of George Washington and George W. Bush. George Washington didn't rely on reading words from a screen to do his thinking. Our president gets kind of lost when when his teleprompter goes haywire. Obama sure made a lot of broken promises on the
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