metroidsax1's Channel
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Name (Alias): Metroid_sax1 or LunaMoon
Name (Real) Cyan 'Axel' Williams
Age: 23

yeh i started with my names that I have/use but enough about that;
I'm a avid gamer and have kinda spent most of my life playing games because it's fun and keeps me occupied, I started gaming in 1994 (1 year old surprisingly) with Doom II and The Ultimate Doom, every time I saw a zombie/daemons guts splatter it always made me laugh so much I couldn't breathe!
I've been gaming since 1994 when I was a wee baby and since there have got better and better at them, at the age of 8 I was into bigger games such as Mechwarrior 3 and Summoner which became my two most favorite games, at 13 I discovered the STEAM (C) community system where people join together in game and also it saved buying disks all the time, as I got through my life I've been moving on up.
Anyway I hope to see you all soon, Enjoy!

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