DeeperVibrations's Channel
DeeperVibrations has no videos available.
Pure bass music, focused on the deeper, more minimal side of dubstep and drum & bass.
We are always open to working with artists and labels that fit our sound, so if you would like to have your music featured on the channel, please do contact us.
We are not affiliated with any artists or labels though and we ONLY put music up because we love it, not through offers of money or free merchandise!
Finally, we do not make any profits- our purpose is simply to spread the music we love for those who appreciate it as much as we do :)

If you would like your track featured on the channel, please e-mail it to or contact us via one of the links below...We'll do our best to listen to all tunes and will try and provide some feedback.

"All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. We are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves." - Bill Hicks.
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