Funtime Freddle [Retired]
It was fun while it lasted, but I have no intentions to continue my YT channel
I want to move on and find something more suitable for me
Also if you ask about me and katie, well…… she and I broke up, I don’t really want to explain it though
Mom dad, while you alexis and them were my (Online) Family I enjoyed the time we spent together
Karie despite our break up I will miss you as well and I hope you and the others do well in the future
I want to move on and find something more suitable for me
Also if you ask about me and katie, well…… she and I broke up, I don’t really want to explain it though
Mom dad, while you alexis and them were my (Online) Family I enjoyed the time we spent together
Karie despite our break up I will miss you as well and I hope you and the others do well in the future
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