Shane Sennhauser
Shane Sennhauser 's Channel
Shane Sennhauser has no videos available.
Shane Sennhauser
Free Editor

What I Use Too Edit.
-Cinema 4D
-After Effects Cs6
Dont bother asking me too edit if the clips are shit. Sorry.

I Started out as a sony vegas editor but now im just After Effects. Yes i was terrible at first but practice makes perfect and im ready too share my expeirence with you so if you want an free edit, add my skype. And if you are going too ask for an edit, just ask dont say ''yo'' or ''hey.''

If you want an edit, unless i look at your channel and like what i see, i prefer you upload the best clips from whatever it is you want me too edit unlisted and send me the links. If its an OCE then obviously upload the one clip.

Past Clans:
FullForce (FF .8K) Ended
CsRx (1.6k) Ended
Spux (1k) Left
TaZa(3.3k) Dont GIve a fuck lol

Ive joined alot of clans but i cant really remember them sorry
Channel Comments
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