TheWax70's Channel
TheWax70 has no videos available.
Just an animator of the Sonic community. You'll find a lot of my work over on the Sonic Paradox channel.

Some frequently asked questions:
What programs do you use?
I do most of my art in Adobe Illustrator and then animate them in Adobe Animate. I occasionally use Photoshop for additional background work.
What tablet do you use?
I own a tablet but never use it. I use a mouse for around 98% of my drawings. I draw using Adobe Illustrator's pen tool. The tool isn't for everybody but I enjoy using it.
When will you be done your next project?
No idea...animating is a fun hobby and I don't want to ruin it with deadlines.
Face reveal?
Just a normal guy here but if you want to see what I look like check out the sonic paradox's channel's Youmacon video.
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