Commander Baggins
Commander Baggins's Channel
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Commander Baggins
“Never give up hope, no matter how dark things seem.”
Some edits you see here are around 2-3 years old. I normally mention in my description though ;)
I’m just a simple editor making her way through this platform sharing what I love, and I hope you end up loving what I create too.
I’ve got no posting schedule, and all of my edits are cadet friendly.
Also, if your channel needs a boost, feel free to free to comment. I’ll definitely help you out :)
If you’ve found me on other platforms, you can just call me Grace if you want. Baggins is what I’m also called on here. But with that being said, I have a few nicknames too. So if you make one up, that’s fine!

Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.
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