Unconventional Combo Player with No Specialized Titles.
Sometimes I upload "No Damage Boss Fights with restrictions".
I am not a Trophies Hunter.
If you won't mind supporting me, try my drawing/video editing work, I am available for commissions.
I only use YouTube & X for the publication of my video content.
Feel free to share my contents by reposting my YouTube links.
However if you want to "reupload" my content on other platforms, please notify me on X first.
Unauthorized reuploaders will be cursed :)
Sometimes I upload "No Damage Boss Fights with restrictions".
I am not a Trophies Hunter.
If you won't mind supporting me, try my drawing/video editing work, I am available for commissions.
I only use YouTube & X for the publication of my video content.
Feel free to share my contents by reposting my YouTube links.
However if you want to "reupload" my content on other platforms, please notify me on X first.
Unauthorized reuploaders will be cursed :)
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