SilverFennX's Gaming Corner
SilverFennX's Gaming Corner's Channel
SilverFennX's Gaming Corner has no videos available.
SilverFennX's Gaming Corner
SilverFennX's Gaming Corner
I do Let's Play stuff but currently just uploading random videos of things. Themes of what I upload will change, but that depends on what I'm enjoying that is popular at the time. I do upload quick clips to my Twitter but that is not a required for social interaction. As I'm a low-end Youtuber, Sending A Message is very effective to reaching out to me.

I do streams but if I upload here its gonna be a VOD. If you wanna catch the streams check out my Twitter for finding the streams. Content Warning; by going to my Twitter you agree to be 18+ years of Age and I am not held responsible for underaged viewers and any mental scarring incurred.

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