°《ABBY》°'s Channel
°《ABBY》° has no videos available.
Im back from quiting. btw i make animation and art i have a pet a cat u can see in my shorts. Im in malaysia not in india.i make gacha animations and fpe sometimes i do in capcut and FlipaCilp. I dont have a tiktok acc i do have but im not posting there i only post in youtube.also i have a brother and sister roblox user: bb33p_bikki AndersCEplayz. my roblox acc user: abbysseye. I think thats all.

What i use to tween or animation: capcut,FlipaCilp,alight moon,

Haters✅ fans✅ you✅ meh❎ tracing my art✅ steal ma video or shorts❌❌

Fav color: red,black,⬜

School:chen sin sjk

U can tracd my art is ok i wont be mad pls c me
Dont steal my vid/shorts

Bye that for now later i will update this description

My goal:100 😃
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