TheIceSnipers's Channel
TheIceSnipers has no videos available.
Ice Is Owned Bye Mono & Zesty!

Welcome to TheIceSnipers back and better than ever! We are a Trickshoting & Sniping Team!

Welcome To The Ice Age!

By joining TheIceSnipers as a member of the team and submitting your videos to the Ice channel, you hereby acknowledge that you grant Ice a perpetual non-exclusive world-wide license (not ownership) to display, promote, or modify your video/episode for commercial use and let you be apart of the team. Sending us your video/episode and being in our Team, Ice, will allow us to use it no matter what, even if you change your mind after we upload it.
Use code "Ice5" for 5% off any controller at InfiniteCustomControllers (ICC)
Xbox & Ps3 Only.

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