PsiPaula4's Channel
PsiPaula4 has no videos available.
My name's Brittany. You're probably here to watch those old Insane Earthbound Adventures videos. Or Mother Saga.

Video making was a thing I enjoyed in my early teens. That's when I created the bulk of my videos. I'm now 29. I've moved on because I prefer doing other things with my time; although I *might* get the inspiration for a new video once in a blue moon.

I can be contacted on Tumblr or Reddit. I have a Discord too but I do not give it out for PMs, but you might find me in some Mother servers. I'm shy and really bad at small talk, so please avoid that.

You may have noticed a number of my videos say FUCK in the title. This is because Youtube thinks the video is for kids despite me not having that setting on, so it keeps disabling the comments. The FUCK bypasses their detection so the video can still have comments.

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