JedimasterRonin's Channel
JedimasterRonin has no videos available.
Hello, I am JedimasterRonin and welcome to my channel!
I create Star Wars stop motion fan films with Hasbro action figures.

Feel free to leave any feedback! I read every one of your comments, and I really appreciate hearing what you have to say.

Ronin was born on the smuggler's moon of Nar Shadda. His mother was a Rodian dancing girl, and his father was a space pirate. His father left him when he was very young, leaving the two to fend for themselves. Ronin's mother loved her child, and did anything she had to in order to raise credits to support him. One day, his mother was kidnapped by a Huttese gangster, leaving the young Rodian to fend for himself on the cruel streets of the smuggler moon. As fortune would have it, Ronin met a mysterious Jedi Master. This Jedi sensed the force within young Ronin and took him back to the temple with him.
Eventually, Ronin took on his own padawan, having reached the rank of master within the order. His adventures however, were just beginning...
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