CptGreenbear's Channel
CptGreenbear has no videos available.
This channel has been discontinued.

Greenbear's Let's Plays - that means stumbling around, muttering, failing, being afraid of programmed monsters, attempts at role play and very little to no progress. Sounds like fun? Well, if you say so...
Discontinued Let's Plays:
- Gothic
- Thief II - The Metal Age (blind)
- Rimworld
- Agent Puzzles 2
- Make PUBG Great Again!
Finished Let's Plays:
- Agent Puzzles
- Gothic II
- Make Salem Great Again (Town of Salem)
- Risen 2 - Dark Waters
- Thief - The Dark Project (Gold)
My channel icon was drawn by the most stunning Nuttylamb, whose channel you can find below. Seriously, check her out. She is amazing.

Comments that do not apply to my channel rules will be removed immediately and might get reported. I will not tolerate any posts that are:
- hateful, continously negative or insulting
- spam (including 'First' comments)
- sexist
- story spoilers

Thank you kindly for reading this text =).
Friends (1)
Channel Comments
There are no comments for this user.
userid get finish at: 0.00 clean innertube fetch finish at: 0.40 main response parse finish at: 0.80 getAdditionalSections finish at: 1.00 applyHTML finish at: 1.00