Pop Culture Minefield
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Pop Culture Minefield
Pop Culture Minefield
Pop Culture Minefield is your One Stop Shop for all things Pop Culture!
We discuss Movie, Television, as well as Comic Book news and rumors.

A special Thank You to our Patrons
Patron Producers: Jim Woodward, Bob Gowan, Tina Roberts , John Schmidt, Mr. Tickle Trunk,

🔥 Gerry's professional site can be found at
Gerry's IMDB Page 👉 https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1956525/?ref...
Gerry's Official Artist Website 👉 https://gerrykissell.wixsite.com/kissell...

On Pop Culture Minefield, Keith and Gerry, you get the latest news on Major Movies and TV shows coming out! DD Crowley does her game reports and reviews.
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