Anthony Walker Wrestling Matters
Anthony Walker Wrestling Matters's Channel
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Anthony Walker Wrestling Matters
Anthony Walker Wrestling Matters
Ladies and Gentleman it is me it's its that head that's right my name is Anthony Walker and I am the creator and host of the Wrestling Matters Podcast a podcast that is all about professional Wrestling. Each and every Monday I bring you news reviews and the odd guests here and there.

On this podcast I Cover the week gone in Wrestling and talk about company's like WWE, TNA, ICW, ROH as well as other Wrestling Company like Progress Wrestling. Looking to add other British Wrestling like PCW Revpro and WCPW

I am a Massive Wrestling and on this channel All I talk about is the one thing that I love Wrestling if you want to be a part of the podcast
or whatever i do on this channel check out the links Below. Wrestling Matters Hope it Matters to You
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