Joel Automotive In action
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Joel Automotive In action
Joel Automotive In action
Hello, my name is Joel. "Joel Automotive in Action" I started in the automotive industry in 1994.
I am a certified master technician for ASE A1 to A8, A9 diesel, also ASE L1 advanced engine specialist. California lights and brakes license Also gas emissions license. I want to have contact in Vehicles with real world failures that is why I work in the workshop. Also teaching classes online or in person, when I don't go out to teach classes I dedicate myself to mobile diagnosis of complex faults. I train with Engineers, this combination is what I mix in my classes since theory is critical but goes hand in hand with practice. In my diagnoses I try to make the videos as detailed and educational in what I share according to my knowledge and experience in diagnosing and repairing complex problems in vehicles. I consider myself a construction technician. “The day you think you know everything is the day I think you stop learning”
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