Jayden Rodrigues
Jayden Rodrigues's Channel
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Jayden Rodrigues
Singer, Dancer, Choreographer & Self-Proclaimed Nerd, Australian YouTuber Jayden Rodrigues hit his first million views with a dance cover to Jason Derulo’s Talk Dirty. Uploading weekly dance videos to trending songs with easy to follow tutorial’s, Jayden’s routines are used all over the world by his subscriber base which he calls his ‘Rod Squad’.

Combining his love of Gaming, Comics & Cosplay with dance, Jayden is always looking at new ways to entertain the ‘Rod Squad’ with different dance based series on his channel like: Moves In Minutes & Cosplay Choreography.

His latest joint venture is with 3 YouTubers he has never met before, uploading weekly vocal covers. Continuum is the worlds first Online Boy Band where the members are from Italy, America, The Netherlands & Australia - striving to reach 400k subscribers so that they can meet for the first time.
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