Jonnii's Channel
Jonnii has no videos available.
Full of rice, beans, and bad ideas.

Welcome to my channel! I create various videos such as video game lets plays and sketch videos! I have been playing video games since I was about two years old and I don't plan on stopping any time soon! I hold on to a very strong goal that when I am big enough to bring an audience in, I plan on doing a lot of charity events. I have not only grown up with various struggles of my own, but have seen friends and family who have had their own struggles as well from cancer, depression, drugs, etc. I want to do what I can to help make the world a better place so please join me in spreading good!

You can often find me on social media by searching for Eat a Bag of Dice (see also eatabagofdice)

My favorite genres include RPG, action/adventure, building/management sims, and survival. I also enjoy funny games, puzzles, some shooters, horror, and games that are adorable/cute!

old aliases for search history: The Legend of Johnny, The Legend of Jonnii, Jonnii
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