Autostrady Polska
Witam wszystkich maniaków infrastruktury drogowej. Zapraszam do obejrzenia i subskrybowania mojego kanału. Znajdziecie tutaj ciekawostki drogowe, przejazdy po budowanych drogach. Są też znaki drogowe jaki bym widział na polskich autostradach i drogach ekspresowych. Znajdziecie też poszczególne etapy budowy dróg. Filmy nagrywam z samochodu, z drona oraz stojąc z boku. Pozdrawiam.
Hello to all road infrastructure geeks. Feel free to view and subscribe to my channel. You will find here road curiosities, rides on constructed roads. There are also road signs that I would see on Polish highways and expressways. You will also find the various stages of road construction. I record films from the car, from the drone and from the side. Best regards.
Hello to all road infrastructure geeks. Feel free to view and subscribe to my channel. You will find here road curiosities, rides on constructed roads. There are also road signs that I would see on Polish highways and expressways. You will also find the various stages of road construction. I record films from the car, from the drone and from the side. Best regards.
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