Delasergenerate Records
I would like to welcome you to my very own music oriented archive.
As this is something that I've been wanting to get off the ground for sometime, I feel relieved knowing that I finally opened up this channel.
As the channel name and description already imply, this is where I will be archiving all sorts of music. The popularity of the music doesn't really matter to me. Stuff uploaded here will be exclusively from my own personal music collection.
Hope you enjoy what you see here!
As this is something that I've been wanting to get off the ground for sometime, I feel relieved knowing that I finally opened up this channel.
As the channel name and description already imply, this is where I will be archiving all sorts of music. The popularity of the music doesn't really matter to me. Stuff uploaded here will be exclusively from my own personal music collection.
Hope you enjoy what you see here!
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