Chang Studios
Chang Studios's Channel
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Chang Studios
Hi Internet! We're the brothers, Nathan and Justin from the Chang Studios. Welcome to our CHANNEL!

Our channel is MOSTLY about parody, vlogs, hotel reviews, and many more,
but actually, our TRUE PASSION is to bring CHANGE to this world!

Don't forget to subscribe and enlist yourself as CHANG(er)s!

If you're wondering about our Instagram accounts, here they are:

@changstudios (our OFFICIAL account)
@nathanchang__ (this is Nathan's account, but you won't understand half of it if you don't speak Indonesian)
@justinchang77 (this is Justin's account, but he usually goes by 'private')
@changtrailer.hd (yup, we do make honest reviews for movies too!)

For business inquiries, endorsement, or advertisement, go DM us on our Instagram or send an email to
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