LPAnimations's Channel
LPAnimations has no videos available.
Welcome to LPAnimations studios inc!

1Q) How do you get the voices squeaky?
1A) I use ulead studio 11 to change the voice pitch

2Q) Is that your real voice?
2A) No, would a 14 year old have a voice like a 5 year old??

3Q) What camera do you use?
3A) I recently bought a logitech Quickcam 9000, it has 8 megapixels

4Q) Do you have particle illusion?
4A) No, I use Effectslab, so stop asking me questions about it.

5Q) Can you voice in my film?
5A) It really depends on if its convinient for me. If i do then it might take a while.

6Q) Are you really 20?
6A) Nope. I am 14.

7Q) Have you Quit?
7A) Films all together? Definitely not, stop motion, most probably, everyone moves on... Please watch the new videos though. :)
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