Ronin Dave
Ronin Dave's Channel
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Ronin Dave
Welcome to my Channel! Basically it's: travel, history, culture, music, oddity with an emphasis on Japan.

There are videos on a variety of subjects from sumo, geisha, music in Nashville, 1066 shenanigans, ninja, samurai, Civil War re-enactments, festivals, wrestling puppies...

My earliest vids are unedited videos from my digital photo-camera video feature so they're really short and low quality. I uploaded them here for storage purposes and for posting on websites. Since then I've gone through several generations of handheld video cameras and have edited many videos. I try to give the most accurate and in-depth knowledge that I can to entertain and inform.

As for myself, I currently live and work in Tokyo. I'm an avid fan of Japanese history and festivals. I've run with the bulls of Pamplona, hiked the Inca Trail, scaled Mt. Fuji, slept in locker in Munich while drunk at Oktoberfest, rode the Yamanote Halloween Train, been mugged in Mexico City, climbed the Great Pyramid of Egypt.
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