Sonchu's Channel
Sonchu has no videos available.
I want to make a channel where I can meet new people, while also at the same time I want us to have fun on "our" channel /making a nice, and wonderful community. It's a little hard to explain. I don't expect this channel to be successful but at least I had fun doing it, PIKA POW.

I will be doing Sega, Nintendo, and PlayStation games, as well as some other surprises.

I am also a game developer/designer, and a music composer, and I am working on these games listed below.

Pokémon Legends Rage

Pokémon Moonlit Skies (Main Priority)

Sonic Unreal

Current Playthrough(s):
Kirby: Nightmare In Dream Land

If you have any questions, or ideas, and you would like to help me out send me a message in the discussion tab, or talk to me through social media.

Welcome to the family.
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